The Story of Embrace Grace

We’re on a mission to make abortion unthinkable by providing the church with everything they need to serve those impacted by unexpected pregnancies practically, spiritually and emotionally.

Pro-Life is a stance. Pro-Love is the action. We are the pro-love movement. 

At our core, we are a group of passionate dreamers who believe that the church, me and you, have the power to make abortion unthinkable. We are the pro-love movement, going beyond a stance or a belief system, but saving lives through our actions and with God’s love.

Based in Fort Worth, Texas, our national headquarters serves as a catalyst for churches to be equipped and empowered to welcome those impacted by unexpected pregnancies and have the tools needed to point them to Jesus through our support group model system.

Our story began back in 2008 when Amy Ford had the dream to launch a group at her home church for women with unplanned pregnancies. That dream sparked other churches to join in and utilize the curriculum written to host their own groups and baby showers which resulted in the non-profit forming in 2012 by Amy and her husband, Ryan.

Since then, we’ve evolved into an organization impacting thousands of new moms and dads that are unexpectedly expecting through our transformative, Gospel-focused curriculum utilized in churches around the nation and world. The church is becoming a place where they run to instead of away from because of shame and guilt.

Amy is recognized nationally for her non-political, Biblical approach to the abortion issue and for her stories of how ordinary people can be someone else’s miracle. She is a multi-published author, speaker and the CEO and founder of Embrace Grace.

Embrace Grace has support groups in churches all over the nation and world for new moms and dads impacted by unexpected pregnancies.

To inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women and their families.
For every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church to go to for spiritual, emotional and physical support.
Support Groups in all 50 States
Moms and Dads Ministered to
Leaders Equipped and Trained

Statement of Faith

Support Group for Pregnant Single Moms

This 12-week program offers invaluable unplanned pregnancy resources and guidance for single pregnant women. Through engaging teachings and heartfelt stories from women who have experienced similar journeys, it provides a sanctuary of hope and community. The program includes comprehensive prenatal care advice, medical care advice, mental health support, and nutrition education, ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Leaders offer dedicated support and virtual training to assist these expectant mothers in every step of their journey. Highlights of the program include a church-hosted Baby Shower and a special Princess Day, emphasizing identity and self-worth. Participants will experience a profound sense of belonging and healing, gaining the strength and resources needed for a safe birth, effective parenting, and a positive future.

Support Group for Pregnant Single Moms

This 12-week program offers invaluable unplanned pregnancy resources and guidance for single pregnant women. Through engaging teachings and heartfelt stories from women who have experienced similar journeys, it provides a sanctuary of hope and community. The program includes comprehensive prenatal care advice, medical care advice, mental health support, and nutrition education, ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Leaders offer dedicated support and virtual training to assist these expectant mothers in every step of their journey. Highlights of the program include a church-hosted Baby Shower and a special Princess Day, emphasizing identity and self-worth. Participants will experience a profound sense of belonging and healing, gaining the strength and resources needed for a safe birth, effective parenting, and a positive future.

The Bible
The Christian Life


Kari Jobe Carnes
Grammy Award Winning Artist
Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
Jackie Hill Perry
Best-Selling Author and Speaker
Patricia Heaton
Missy Robertson
Duck Dynasty, Speaker & Author
Lisa Bevere
Co-Founder of Messenger Intl, Author and Speaker
Kirk and Tammy Franklin 
Grammy Award Winning Artist, Author
Bob Goff
Best Selling Author
James Robison
Author, Host of Life Today Show

You can save lives with love!

Want to join us in saving lives? We can get you started!